Genital Fistula

What is Genital Fistula?

Genital fistulas are one of the most serious diseases in women, leading not only to multiple organ dysfunctions, long-term and permanent disability, but also causing severe moral and physical suffering, menstrual and reproductive dysfunctions, which limit social activity.

Genital fistulas are a complex and multifaceted pathology that combines fistulas of the genital organs and pelvic fiber with intestines, urinary system, anterior abdominal wall, which are the result of not only gynecological and obstetric interventions, but also complications of inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages or the outcome of postoperative complications.

The true frequency of genital fistulas is unknown, since patients are treated in various hospitals (urological, proctologic, general surgical, gynecological).

Pathogenesis during Genital Fistula

There are many classifications of genital fistula. The most complete and easy to use classification of VI. Krasnopolsky, S.N. Buyanova (2001) is based on anatomical-functional, topographic-segmental and etiological signs. Lato-functional signs give an idea about the organs involved in the pathological process, and determine the amount of diagnostic measures. Topographic and segmental signs specify the level of damage and the degree of involvement in the process of adjacent organs, which determines the preoperative preparation, access and volume of the operation, the technical possibilities of reconstruction, drainage and prevention of complications. Etiological signs allow you to schedule the optimal timing of corrective surgery, to provide for possible intra- and postoperative complications.

Intestinal-genital fistulas, in which the fistulous passage connects any part of the intestine with internal genital organs, are most common (49.3% of all genital fistulas).